Alan Hoffman was born during 1946 in Saskatchewan, Canada and died on 2 May 1978 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Guy Big had attended the University of Alberta. He was to work as a social worker in the Toronto area and later achieved a degree relating to his work from the Ryerson Polytechnical Institute.

His later acting appearances were in the movie "Find the Lady" (1976); an episode of the television series "King of Kensington" (1977); a guest on "The Tommy Hunter Show" (1977); and finally in the 1977 television adaptation of Isaac Asimov's "The Ugly Little Boy".

From his acting career, he is most remembered as Mini-Count in the series "The Hilarious House of Frightenstein" in 1971.

Mini-Count was a scaled down version of the star of the show - Count Frightenstein. As his character was never given a name, Mini-Count seems appropriate.

In each episode, the phone would ring from within a small coffin. Count Frightenstein would open the coffin to answer the call. Out would pop Mini-Count, always with a smart remark.

Later in the episode, Mini-Count would sit of Igor's lap (Count Frightenstein's servant), with the pair telling a joke or two.

Fortunately, most of the series is available on YouTube and Tubi-TV

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