"Deadflix" was a hosted horror movie show with Paul Warford as "Morgul" assisted by Terry (the skeleton), produced by Grind Mind, showcasing independent short movies in Newfoundland, Canada.

The premise of the show is that Morgul and Terry run the counter of hell's only video rental shop. Unfortunately the only movie that hell's residents may rent is "The Sound of Music". The show ran for five shows from 30 September 2018 until 31 October 2019.

Portrait of "Morgul" by Bradley Beard.
"Morgul" - biography (taken from Bradley Beard's Facebook page)"He's eternally damned to minimum wage. Tonight I present Morgul, host of DEADFLIX, a low-budget independent horror anthology from the crew at GRIND MIND out of Newfoundland, Canada. Morgul and his co-host Terry, a skeleton with a constant bone to pick, run the counter of hell's one and only video rental shop.

Late fees = a dip in the lake of fire, and the only thing the residents of the underworld can rent is The Sound of Music... that is, unless Morgul disobeys the top brass to give them a sneak peak at the flicks out back, which he has a tendency to do every episode. Like any minimum wage employee, Morgul struggles to run the shop while balancing his home life, including a thirsty-for-blood son named Junior and an ex-wife who was promoted to the accounting department.

Despite all apparent hell, he dons his visor and serves up horror to the newly deceased with a side of sarcasm and wit as only a demonic VHS jockey could. Watch the entirety of DEADFLIX season one for free on the GRIND MIND YouTube channel at GRIND MIND features all original content because they're independent as hell!

***Newfoundland's first and only Horror Host**

The following are some clips from the show:

Deadflix hosted by Morgul from The Professor on Vimeo.


Internet Movie Data Base

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist

Internet Movie Data Base
"Paul Warford"

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Page Design Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Last modified: February 2023