"Night Visions" was a hosted US television horror anthology series; filmed in Canada, with each of the thirteen episodes comprising two half-hour stories dealing with themes of the supernatural or simply the dark side of human nature. It was produced by Warner Bros. Television for the Fox network, originally airing from 2001 to 2002. Musician Henry Rollins was the host of the series.


From IMDB:
Born Henry Lawrence Garfield on 13 February 1961, in Washington, D.C., USA; Henry Rollins has the tendency is to try to squeeze as many labels as possible into a single sentence, but if Henry Rollins could be reduced to a single word, that word would undoubtedly be "workaholic." When he is not traveling, Rollins prefers a to keep a relentless schedule full of work, with gigs as an actor, author, disc jockey, voice-over artist and television show host to name a few of the roles that keep his schedule full.

Rollins has toured the world as a spoken word artist, as frontman for both Rollins Band and Black Flag and as a solitary traveler with insatiable curiosity, favoring road-less-traveled locales in places such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Siberia, North Korea, South Sudan and Iran.

Henry hosts a weekly radio show on Los Angeles' renowned NPR affiliate KCRW, in addition to writing weekly columns for the LA Weekly and Rolling Stone Australia. Henry received the prestigious Ray Bradbury Creativity Award in recognition for his lifelong contribution to the arts, his passion for social activism, as well as his intense passion for the importance of maintaining books and libraries.

The following is an opwning for the series:

"Night Visions" - an opening from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.


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"Night Visions"

"Night Visions (TV series)"

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"Henry Rollins"

"Night Visions"

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"Night Visions"

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"Night Visions"

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