"Steve, The Pittsburgh Midget" is the fictional assistant horror host to Count Floyd is a character in the television series - that is about the life in the day of a fictitious television station:
Second City TV (aka SCTV) in the town of Melonville.
To emulate small television stations of the time, in each episode, the cast took on a number of different characters. In particular, one of the news anchors - Floyd Robertson (played by Joe Flaherty) also doubled as Count Floyd, the host of SCTV's "Monster Chiller Horror Theatre". During the series, The Count would sometimes have an assistant - "Steve, The Pittsburgh Midget". It has been suggested that this character is based on the diminutive Stefan, the Castle Prankster from the Chilly Billy series.
For more information on Count Floyd use the below link:
Paul Flaherty was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA on 19 September 1945.
Flaherty is a well known comedic writer for television, having written many segments for the highly success SCTV series. He is also known as a director and producer.
His acting credits include: Old Boyfriends (1979)
SCTV (1980)
SCTV Network (1981-1983)
BMX Bandits (1983)
SCTV Channel (1984)
Bigger Than Tina (1999)
Flaherty appeared in the following episodes as Steve, The Pittsburgh Midget:
Season 5: Cycle 5 Episode 6 - 18 March 1983
3-D Firing Line: Midnight Cowboy II
Count Floyd hosts a new segment: "3-D Firing Line". This episode discusses a new movie "Midnight Cowboy II".
Guest for this epsiode were:
Dr. Tongue
Woody Tobias Jr
Pauline Kael
Steve, The Pittsburgh Midget
Season 6: Episode 8 - 28 February 1984
Monster Chiller Horror Theatre: Modern Problems
Count Floyd and his assistant Steve, the Pittsburgh Midget struggle to present this week's replacement movie "Modern Problems" after "Mars Needs Women" has been delayed in customs.
Season 6: Episode 14 - 22 May 1984
Monster Chiller Horror Theatre: Halloween Always Falls on Friday the 13th
Steve, the Pittsburgh Midget rented a VHS video for the show. The story is about a maniac who terrorizes a local television station. Count Floyd is excited to have a really scray movie for a change.