"The Gory Hole.. Unlive!" is a Canadian hosted horror movie show with Sadie Rae as the host "Miss Gory Rae" - the Redheaded Maven of the Manic Macabre. The show was aired on the Monster Channel from 30 April 2011, with the first episode being the movie "Freaks".
Sadie Rae was born in Columbus, Ohio, USA (on 6 August 1913 according to her Facebook account), and later moved to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 1983 and now lives in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada.
The best person to provide Miss Gory Rae's biography, is herself.
Now officially been deemed (and verified) as 'The only horror hostess in Canada!' But seeing as a large percentage of fans are actual from quite interesting and far off ports from around the world, an eye is definitely being kept on the global view.
Miss Gory Rae hosting her own horror flicks from a collection which now stands at over 4,000; Back when she was a projectionist whilst attending Carleton University for Film Studies.
She was first person to be given own night, which even after she left, and due to popular demand, it continued, and is infamous for any alumni who used to go.
Miss Gory spends her time talking to infamous directors and actors in the horror biz, and can be seen on stage hosting a "Midnight Double Bill" of pure fright fixes: as well as 'Vancouver's, only Tromette', an honorary title which came with the statement "Goddess of Horror" by the very infamous "Troma" founder Lloyd Kaufman, and maintains her duty to him by making sure there is a little "Troma" in everyone here in Vancouver.
Miss Gory Rae is also known for her 'chameleon' stage wear and trademark adventures. Sometimes with her trademark lensed eyepatch, also sporting bloodied knives, guns, and even a small machete tucked into the only places you can see, is her Macabre Moniker.
However, she also maintains that every screening is complimented by attire appropriated for the films being screened.
She was also working on a screenplay "The Cannibal Run".
She has a background in drama, and improvisation, and yes, even band experience (Vox), and a myriad of other macabre talents, that she he brings to the stage to make sure the audience is exposed to everything they need to see and know about the very finest horror films.
She has also been modelling for the freaky since she was 17 and still going strong.
She also has written for Canada's only nationwide alternate zine, "Absolute Underground", and does reviews, and interviews.
If you are interested in booking Miss Gory Rae for:
Phone number, e-mail or message her on here.
She is a low maintenance macabre mistress. Ask her about it!
Sadie Rae also has two other screen credits:
and Cyclical Effect playing Denise - Viral #10 in this 2012 movie.
There are some other Youtube clips available of Miss Gory Rae. |
Internet Movie Data Base "Sadie Gory" |
"The Gory Hole with Miss Gory Rae" |
Internet Movie Data Base "The Gory Hole: Unlive" |
Spooktacular "Miss Gory Rae" |
Horror News Net "Miss Gory Rae" |
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Last modified: February 2023