"Welcome to Paradox" was a Canadian hosted science fiction anthology show, hosted by Michael Philip. The high-budget series derived mostly from original stories by top science fiction authors. The unrelated stories (two by John Varley) are reset in a future Utopia, Betaville, which is being undermined by out-of-control technologies.


From Michael Philip's web page:
Michael Philip was born and raised in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada. Athletics was his first calling, amassing quite the resume and becoming an All-Canadian in the many sports he tackled. He became a nationally ranked snow skier, but football brought him to San Diego at the age of 18. Michael moved to Los Angeles in 1983, where under the tutelage of a few industry friends, he embarked upon an acting career. He began working shortly thereafter, booking several national commercials and two soap operas, "Guiding Light" and "Bold & the Beautiful". Michael also dabbled in fashion, creating a successful bathing suit company in the 90s, was a personal chef for a top celebrity, and produced and starred in a pilot for a cooking show titled, "The Handsome Table".

Acting continued and opportunity brought Michael to Vancouver, where he booked a key job, a series regular on "Welcome to Paradox". He also landed a co-starring role in a "MOW, The Long Way Home", with Jack Lemmon and Sarah Paulson. On returning to Los Angeles, Michael continued his success guest starring on top sitcom's such as "Will & Grace" and "Frasier". In his unending pursuit of personal and professional evolution, Michael has continued to expand his skill set via voice-over and writing, producing, and creating several television pilots. He resides in New York City and has two beautiful daughters.

The following are promos for the series:

"Welcome to Paradox" - promos from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.


Internet Movie Data Base
"Welcome to Paradox"

Pazsaz Entertainment Network
"Welcome to Paradox"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Michael Philip"

Movie and TV Wiki
"Welcome to Paradox"

Garn's Guides
"Welcome to Paradox"

"Welcome to Paradox"

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Last modified: April 2024