"Nightwatch Presents Edgar Allan Poe" was a hosted horror movie show with Mike Cheever as "Dr. Terror" presenting a seven week run of Edgar Allan Poe films on WAND-TV Channel 17, Decatur, Illinois, USA at 10:30pm Friday nights from 26 January 1973 till 9 March. Each movie stars Vincent Price and featured:

"Tomb of Ligeia"
"The Conqueror Worm"
"Tales of Terror"
"The Raven"
"The Masque of the Red Death"
"The Oblong Box"
"War-Gods of the Deep".

"Edgar Allan Poe" from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.

Due to the success of "Nightwatch Presents Edgar Allan Poe", Mike Cleever returned as "Doctor Terror" hosting the horror movie show "Dr. Terror's Tales of Terror", presenting movies on Friday nights at 10:30pm on WAND-TV Channel 17, from 16 March 1973 till 4 February 1977.

What was most unusual for a horror host, was that each week Cheever would change the appearance of "Dr. Terror".

In 1975, WCIA Channel 3 launched "Horror Classics" to compete with "Doctor Terror".

For more information on "Horror Classics" use the below link:

The last movie presented was "King Kong" on 4 February 1977.

Portrait of "Dr. Terror" by Bradley Beard.
"Dr. Terror" - biography (taken from Bradley Beard's Facebook page)"
Fear creates the most powerful of memories so let's recall one now that should never be forgotten. Today I present Dr. Terror, host of Tales of Terror on WAND-TV Channel 17 in Decatur, Illinois which aired from 1974 to 1978. Dr. Terror was first awarded his license to practice by WAND reporter & production manager Mike Cheever. In the 1970's, Friday nights were when most children stayed up past their bedtime to watch monster movies, however, children in Decatur, IL stayed up to have their blood chilled to the bone. As memory serves, Dr. Terror truly lived up to his name by administering his doses of horror with deadly seriousness. He left all those children who watched hoping that the dawn would come a little sooner... and next Friday would come even sooner as well. Remember tomorrow... it will be here soon enough.

Click on link to view
press articles and advertisements for both shows.

There are no known clips from the show.


Internet Movie Data Base
"Mike Cleever"

Classic Horror Film Board
"Dr. Terror"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Nightwatch Presents Edgar Allan Poe"

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist
"Dr. Terror"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Dr. Terror's Tales of Terror"

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Page Design Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Last modified: March 2023