"Fantastic Theatre" (alternate title - "Fantastic Theater") was a hosted horror/science fiction movie show with Joseph Peter Hardt (as Peter Hardt) presenting movies on Fridays/Saturday nights on KVOO-TV Channel 2 Tulsa, Oklahoma from the mid to late 1960's.
Each show began with a greeting from Hardt: Hardt, who had been born in Germany, passed away on 11 June 2009.
The following are some audio theme music clips from the show:
Fantastic Theatre hosted by Josef Peter Hardt (audio themes) from The Professor on Vimeo. |
Internet Movie Data Base "Fantastic Theatre" |
Tulsa TV Memories "Fantastic Theater" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Joseph Peter Hardt" |
E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts "Peter Hardt" |
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Last modified: March 2023