"Inner Sanctum Mysteries" was a radio horror anthology series that was aired on Blue Network from 7 January 1941 till 5 October 1952 in the USA. There was a total of 527 episodes in the series. There is less than 200 episodes that have survived.
After the success of the series, an Australian version of the show was aired in 1952, running for 50 episodes. In 1958 the Australian version was retitled as "The Creaking Door" and ran until 1959. In 1964 "The Creaking Door" opened once more, this time in South Africa.
Many well known and established actors were featured in the series, including Mason Adams, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre, Raymond Massy, Mercedes McCambridge, Agnus Moorehead, Santos Ortega, Simone Simon, and Richard Widmark.
He was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin USA on 24 July 1911, and dies in Wallingford, Connecticut, USA on 15 August 2001. He commenced is working life as a bank teller. He studied acting at Goodman School of Drama in Chicago (USA); and began his radio career in the Chicago area. Radio shows that he worked on included "Welcome Valley" (1932-1937) as Bill Sutter, and "The National Farm and Home Hour" as the Forest Ranger.
In 1941, he was cast as "Raymond", host of "Inner Sanctum Mysteries". He continued as the host until 15 May 1945 when en enlisted in the USA army. After leaving the army, he was to host the radio show "Tales of Tomorrow" in 1953. He also was in television and radio series including "Big Sister", "The Guiding Light", "Brave Tomorrow", "Kate Hokins", "Angel of Mercy", "Valiant Lady", "Mr. District Attorney", "Calling All Cars", "Don Winslow of the Navy", "Mandrake the Magician", "Cavalcade of America", "Gangbusters", "Dimension X", "X Minus One", "Words at War", "Famous Jury Trials" and "Cloak and Dagger". |
Berry Kroeger | Paul McGrath |
Berry Kroeger was born in Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Texas, USA, and died in Los Angeles, California, USA on 4 January 1991. Kroeger performed on stage, radio (including Orson Welles's "Mystery Theatre of the Air"), movies and television; with his last appearance being in a television episode of "WKRP in Cincinnati".
Paul Owen McGrath was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA on 11 April 1904, and died in London, England, United Kingdom 13 April 1978. McGrath perfomed on radio, movies and television.
In 1954 McGrath would continue his connection with the series, by hosting a television version known as "Inner Sanctum".
A number of episodes of "Inner Sanctum Mysteries" were reedited and presented by Peter Lorre for Armed Forces Radio Service as part of "Mystery Playhouse".
Listen to some of the surviving episodes, though some are the re-edited version featuring the voice of Peter Lorre.
You will require Realtime Player to hear these episodes. Access your free download of Realtime Player here.
After Johnson left the series, Berry Kroeger stood in for four episodes, then with Paul McGrath taking over until the series ended in 1952.
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