Meadlowlands Showcase was a public access television show on Public Access TV in Lodi, New Jersey (USA) that ran from 1988 until 1994; presenting 30 minute shows on a monthly basis.

In October 1988, a Halloween episode was "Creepy Tales", hosted by David Webber as "Angus"

and Kathy Heidenger as "Emily";

with David Munro as "Host" & "New Tex" and Tex Joe Bob Young (John Paul Fedele) as "Mahreem".

"Angus" and "Emily" presented three short horror movies in this one off episode:
"Tag You're It!"
"Evil Vision"
"A Halloween Tale"

In October 1989, "Angus" would return in the "The Halloween Takeover - The Horror Show":
"Angus", takes over a local television station using his demonic powers, so that he may have his own show - "The Horror Show". He is assisted on his show by Marc S. Lucey as "The Grim Reaper".

During this 30 minute show, "Angus" presents the short films "Evil Vision" and "Pete Jacelone's - The Day The Shopping Carts Came to Life", and the music video "Garbage Man" performed by "The Cramps". "Angus" convinces Peter Jacelone to join his group. Reluctantly he agrees. "The Grim Reaper" leads Peter away, and loops off his head.

Portraits of "Angus" and "Emily" by Dave Dunlap.

Correspondence from Michael Raso - one of the creators and producers for the show, provides further information of the cast and crew.

29 December 2017 Michael Raso wrote:
Hi Paul

I'm Michael Raso, producer of the Creepy Tales - Meadowlands Showcase - the series that ran from 1988 - 1994 in the NJ - NY - Conn area of the US.

2 January 2018 Paul Kennedy wrote:
Thank you so much Mike.

Just a few questions.
Did Meadowlands produce any further Halloween shows during its run? Do you have any further information on the actors who appeared in the episode / mini bios
David Munro
David Weber
Kathy Heidenger
Tex Joe Bob Young

How did you come up with the idea to present the episode using horror hosts. Very clever. I did like how Emily's voice sounded.

I only came across your show by accident. I had recently purchased the book "The Essential Monster Movie Guide" by Stephen Jones. The book had a listing for "Creepy Tales". I checked YouTube and found part 1 & 2, as well as other episodes from the show. The show was a very entertaining collection of acts. Well done.

3 January 2018 Michael Raso wrote:
Did Meadowlands produce any further Halloween shows during its run?

Yes, "The Halloween Takeover" the following year. It isn't on-line yet but is an extra on the "WNUF Halloween Special" DVD.

David Munro - Dave is a New York area voice-over artist whose voice can be heard on many local TV commercials

David Weber - David was one of the stars of the lost (and then found) Super 8 horror film "The Basement". Sadly, David passed away in the early 1990s.

"The Basement" trailer on YouTube.

Super 8 Horror Anthology Film - The Basement from The Professor on Vimeo.

Vintage News Report -

Super 8 The Basement - May 1989 Local News Report from The Professor on Vimeo.

Kathy Heidenger - Kathy is the wife of "The Basement" director Tim O'Rawe. Tim also directed a few of the shorts in "Halloween Tales". Kathy is also in a segment of (and co-produced) "The Basement"

Tex Joe Bob Young is John P. Fedele. He's my college film making pal and current co-host of The Film Photography Podcast. He's been in many crap-tastic films.

Tim O'Rawe, John Fedele and I came up with the horror host idea. Our goal was to make a feature film. We did. Both awful! "The Basement (1989) and Ghoul School (1990).

Not sure if Stephen Jones is writing about the same Creepy Tales since my Creepy Tales was never officially released on video.

Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need anything else. I'm very fond of my Meadowlands Showcase days. I'm currently transferring the whole series from old 3/4" U-Matic tapes. The tapes are literally falling apart so...just in time! The plan is to premiere them on Amazon Video and YouTube on the 30th Anniversay of the 1st episode Sept 2018.

Best wishes
Mike Raso

The following are part 1 & 2 from the show that are available on YouTube.

Halloween - Creepy Tales (1988) Part 1 of 3 (Youtube) from The Professor on Vimeo.

Halloween - Creepy Tales (1988) Part 2 of 3 (YouTube) from The Professor on Vimeo.

Both "Creepy Tales" and "The Halloween Takeover - The Horror Show" are available as part of

the "WNUK Halloween Special" DVD.

An audio clip from one of the shows.

Play Clip


Internet Movie Data Base
"Meadlowlands Showcase - Creepy Tales"

Internet Movie Data Base
"David Weber"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Kathleen Heidenger"

Internet Movie Data Base
"David Munro"

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts

Internet Movie Data Base
"John Paul Fedele"

Internet Movie Data Base
"The Halloween Takeover - The Horror Show"

Facebook: Dunlap Art
"Horror Host Artwork"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Marc S. Lucey"

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Page Content Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Photographic and Video Copyright rests with original owners.

Page Design Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Last modified: January 2025