"Meet Cleaver Theatre" is a hosted horror movie show with Brian Easterling as "Butch R. Cleaver" presenting movies and trailers from Thrillsville (Cincinnati), Ohio since 2003. Butch R. Cleaver, a mechanical engineer from the past (1959) is obsessed with horror films. One afternoon while tinkering with one of his short-wave radios, an explosion occurred, opening a rift in the space-time continuum, and hurling Butch, his family and his entire home through a time-warp. They awakened to find themselves in the year 2003, with many things different in the Cleaver homestead - for instance, Butch lost his depth perception, and now wears 3-D glasses. An even greater change is that Butch's lovely wife, "Joan E. Cleaver" (Jeanne Dietrick) emerged from the Time Warp as a severed head.

Butch preserved Joan's head in a jar, and wired it into his old radio; when she speaks, there are bubbles and lights.

Stuck between two times in Americana, Butch and his family experiment with their new world, catch up on fifty years of horror films, and partake in many wacky adventures.

Portrait of "Butch R. Cleaver" by Dave Dunlap.

Portrait of "Butch R. Cleaver" by Bradley Beard.
"Butch R. Cleaver" - biography (taken from Bradley's Facebook page)"
Everyone's invited to his cocktail parties. Tonight I present Butch R. Cleaver, host of Meet Cleaver Theatre on Time Warner Cable Channel 4 in Cincinnati, OH, which began in 2003. Meet Cleaver Theater also offers Sub-Atomic broadcasts on Veoh, condensed snippets of their 2 hour show. MCT is this first new horror hosted show originating in Cincinnati since the Cool Ghoul. Butch worked as a mechanical engineer in the late 1950's. One evening while working on an experiment, Butch caused an explosion creating a time-warp which hurled him and his family into the future. During the accident, Butch lost his depth perception and is now forced to wear 3-D glasses. His wife, Joan E. Cleaver, lost her pretty little head... which Butch preserved in a jar and wired for sound. The Cleaver's are hosting's first "Post-Nuclear" family and entertainment is their weapon of mass distraction.

In 2017, Brian Easterling - "Butch R. Cleaver" of "Meet Cleaver Theatre", was inducted into "The Official Horror Host Hall of Fame".

The following are some clips from the show:

Meet Cleaver Theatre hosted by Butch R. Cleaver from The Professor on Vimeo.


Internet Movie Data Base
"Meet Cleaver Theatre"

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist
"Butch R. Cleaver"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Brian Easterling"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Jeanne Dietrick"

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts
"Butch R. Cleaver"

Horror Host Graveyard
"Butch R. Cleaver"

Facebook: Dunlap Art
"Horror Host Artwork"

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Page Content Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

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Page Design Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Last modified: July 2024