The Sample Intro:
(Hammond organ plays in background and emphasizes action.)
Narrator: "You hate her, don't you? You'd like to see her die, wouldn't you? Well come on then, don't be a milquetoast, kill her! You ought to be able to think of a way! Surely all the reading you've done, all those fine mystery stories ought to suggest something. The only trouble is that those people always got caught! They were bunglers though, you're not. You're smart. Just pick a method and eliminate all the mistakes..."
A Closing Narration:
Host: "This has been Nightmare, a bedtime story for folks who like to dream... violently. Be with us tomorrow for another tale of horror, mystery or suspense. A tale as short and terrifying as... (with echo effect:) a Nightmare!"
(Organ plays finale)
Announcer: "Nightmare is a John Norman Production."
Known episode titles are: