"Science Fiction Theatre" was a hosted science fiction movie show with Chris Wedes as a Mad Doctor, presenting science fiction movies on KIRO-TV channel 7, in Seattle, Washington, USA sometime in the 1970s.
Wedes had a long and established career in television, with most of the time being in front of the camera. He is most recognised as Julius Pierpont (J.P.) Patches in the J.P. Patches children's show from 1958-1981.
One of his earliest roles was as "Captain 11". For more information on the Capatin, click of the below link:
The following are some clips from the show:
"Science Fiction Theater" - clips from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo. |
Internet Movie Data Base "Science Fiction Theatre" |
The Trash Collector "Science Fiction Theatre" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Chris Wedes" |
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Last modified: March 2024