"Tales from the Darkside" was an anthology series that ran from 1983 until 1988. Each episode featured a different stand alone story of horror, with elements of fantasy, mystery or thriller.
The host was Paul Sparer who was born on 19 December 1923 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA and passed away on 19 December 1999 in New York City, New York, USA. Paul was an established actor, mostly appearing in television series. |
When "Tales from the Darkside" was released in the United Kingdom, Paul Sparer's voice was replaced with the voice of Patrick Macnee.
From Wikipedia: Macnee passed away on 25 June 2015. |
In 1990, "Tales from the Darkside: The Movie" was released.
The movie featured Matthew Lawrence as Timmy, young boy who tells three stories of horror to distract a witch who plans to eat him.
The first segment features an animated mummy stalking selected student victims; the second tale tells the story of a cat from Hell who cannot be killed and leaves a trail of victims behind it; the third story is about a man who witnesses a bizarre killing and promises never to tell what he saw.
From Wikipedia:
Lawrence's singing debut was in 1986, when he and Joey performed at the 1986 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Matt also played guitar on several of his earlier performances.
In 2011, Lawrence guest-starred on his brother's sitcom, ABC Family's "Melissa & Joey". In 2015, he reprised his role as Jack Hunter in the series "Girl Meets World", a spin-off/sequel of "Boy Meets World". |
In 2015 a reboot pilot was released "Tales from the Darkside". Following a similar format to the original series. Unfortunately, the series was not picked up by the network. |
Return to USA non-hosted shows.
The following is a trailer from the original "Tales From The Darkside":
Tales from the Darkside Introduction from The Professor on Vimeo.
The following is a trailer from the movie "Tales From The Darkside: The Movie":
Tales From The Darkside- The Movie (1990) - Trailer from The Professor on Vimeo.
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