"Tales of Tomorrow" was a television anthology science fiction series that was aired live between 3 August 1951 - 12 June 1953 and produced by George F. Foley. The show's success, lead to the production of a radio series in 1953 "Tales of Tomorrow".
"Tales of Tomorrow" was developed by Theodore Sturgeon and Mort Abrahamson, together with the membership of the "Science Fiction League of America".
It dramatized the science fiction works of the "Science Fiction League of America", producing 84 x 30 minute episodes.
There have been a number of people identified as either being the announcer, host or narrator for different episodes of the series. As many were not credited, it has been difficult to attribute particular episodes. From my research, I have applied what I have found to date.
Edwards was a well known voice actor, with a career that spanned radio and television. He appeared in the USA television series "A Couple of Joes" in 1949, and then became the voice announcer of "Tales of Tomorrow".Though uncredited, it would appear that he was the voice for many/most of the episodes. He would later host "Afternoon Film Festival".
De Koven was born on 22 October 1907 in Chicago, Illinois, USA and died on 28 January 1988 in New York City, New York, USA. De Koven was a voice actor in the radio series "Gangbusters". He also appeared on stage and later in movies and television. In 1952, he was credited as the narrator of two episodes of "Tales of Tomorrow", being "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: The Chase" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: The Escape".
He appeared as a recurring character Doctor James Spencer in "Days of our Lives" television series; and co-starring in Oliver Stone's "Seizure" (1974). His last movie appearance was co-starring with Robin Williams in "Seize the Day" in 1986.
Lukas was born Pál Lukács on 26 May 1891 in Budapest, Austria-Hungary; and died on 16 August 1971 in Tangier, Morocco. Lukas went to Kosice in 1916 to be an actor. By 1918 his acting specialized in comedy. By 1918 he began making movies. It was in 1927 that he arrived in Hollywood, USA. It was in 1953 that he hosted an episode of "Tales of Tomorrow" - "Read to Me, Herr Doktor".
He is probably best known as Professor Pierre Aronnax in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". He continued to act in movies and television, with his last appearance being in the 1970 television movie "The Challenge".
Marshall born as Marshall Schantz on 10 January 1919 in Pemberton, New Jersey, USA and died on 9 March 1983 in White River Junction, Vermont, USA. Marshall started his career in 1937 as an announcer and later program host for Boston radio. He was to become the 'voice' for the Reynolds Aluminum Company for twenty-five years. Marshall also announced for Esso gasoline, Auto-Lite Spark Plugs and Maxwell House.
He started his movie / television career as the announcer for "It's Sewing Time" in 1949.
In 1952 Marshall hosted an episode of "Tales of Tomorrow" - "The Miraculous Serum". Marshall returned to radio to host "Breakfast at the Hanover Inn"
Morgan was born on 8 June 8 1913 in the USA and died on 5 January 1975 in Englewood, New Jersey, USA. Morgan was a narrator, with his first show narrating the short "ABC Pinup" in 1945. This was followed as the narrator and playing the part of Nephew in "A Christmas Carol", a 1947 television movie. In 1951, he was the announcer for the "Tales of Tomorrow" espisode "Blunder".
But he is best remembered, cigarette in hand, announcing the "World Wrestling Entertainment" in the 60's & 70's.
Williams' first acting (voice) credit on the silver screen was in 1952 as the narrator for the "Tales of Tomorrow" espisode "All the Time in the World". He would later appear in episodes of "The New Phil Silvers Show", "The Ghost and Mrs Muir" and "The Don Knotts Show"; and appearing in the movie "The Stars Are Singing" as Homer Tirdell. Williams also made many appearances as himself on television shows.
Now to get a taste for the show, here is a Youtube review.
"Tales of Tomorrow" from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.
Some of the following episodes are available on Youtube. |
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