"The Creepy Clyde Show" was a hosted horror show with Andrew Clyde (aka Clyde Brown) as "Creepy Clyde", assisted by Adam B. Showers as "Morbid Melvin". The show commenced on 12 December 2008 being broadcast on Friday nights at 10:00pm in areas of Michigan. The show was also screened on "The Monster Channel". The show may not have continued past 2012/2013.
"Creepy Clyde" and "Morbid Melvin" began their horror hosting lives on "Nightmare Sinema".
For further information on "Nightmare Sinema", use the below link:
In October 2009, Andrew Clyde's "Creepy Clyde" launched a new show - "The Clyde Guide", that highlights interesting places to visit in Michigan. In each episode, "Creepy Clyde" is joined by various characters. The show aired each Saturday in October on Detroit's CW50.
In 2009, Andrew Clyde's "Clyde Brown" started a new talk show - "Spooky Talk", that examines the very strange and unusual. In addition, "Spooky Talk" the radio program could be heard on WPON 1460 AM - Wednesdays at 5:00pm.
Also in 2009, Clyde hosted "Cartoon Roundup" as "Grisly Gus". For further information on "Cartoon Roundup", use the below link:
From Andrew's web page:
I also managed to put those skills to good work in a moderately successful career in technology sales.
Historically, I have performed my own self-contained stage show at private parties, senior centres and corporate events, and am still open to offers of such work.
However I am mainly focussing on TV and Radio.
The reason for this is that I am having enormous fun with other creative projects - like my YouTube Channel - "The Clyde Guide - Cooking For One".
Additionally I am in my studio re-creating material that I wrote in the 70's for my band "Cargo". I hope to complete and publish this during 2023.
The following are some clips and promos for the show:
"The Creepy Clyde Show" - clips and promos from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo. |
Internet Movie Data Base "The Creepy Clyde Show" |
Horror Host Graveyard "The Creepy Clyde Show" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Andrew Clyde" |
"Morbid Melvin" |
Andrew Clyde Entertainer "Andrew Clyde" |
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Last modified: April 2023