? - "THE GLOB"

"The Glob" was a hosted horror and science fiction show with "The Glob" presenting movies on KBHK-TV Channel 44, San Francisco, California around 1972 for about five months.

From E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts web page: "The Glob was supposed to be a living (alien?) head - and was, in fact, a green rubber mask manipulated from underneath by some stage hand. They just wiggled it around a bit, while a gurgling voice over announced the film. Over this they superimposed the dancing tuning line from some electronic meter". The name of actor behind "The Glob's" voice is not known. From E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts web page: "The Glob was popular enough in the Bay Area to inspire his own Slurpee flavor. This was back when the 7-11 advertised their flavors with little billboards on the front windows".


Internet Movie Data Base
"The Glob"

Classic Horror Film Board
"The Glob"

E-gors Chamber of TV Horror Hosts
"The Glob"

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Last modified: April 2023