"The House of the Dead" is a 1978 horror anthology movie that tells the tale of a man who is traveling back to his hotel, is dropped off on the wrong road. To get out of the rain, he seeks a place to keep dry. An old man (Ivor Francis) invites him in to his home. The old man is a mortician; who tells him the stories of the people who have found their way into his establishment over the course of four scary stories.

Francis has had many roles on television and at the movies, and has acted on radio as well in shows such as "Fibber McGee and Molly"; on Broadway in shows such as "J.B." with Christopher Plummer, and came west to California when New York plays turned mostly to musicals. He worked in films, television and in day-time soaps as well. In addition, he operated the Ivor Francis Actors Workshop in West Hollywood and, among the class members, were Ben Murphy (Alias Smith and Jones [1971]); Linda Haynes (Brubaker [1980] & The Drowning Pool [1975]); Mary Douvan (Sandra Dee's mother) and the Goldrup brothers, Tom Goldrup and Jim Goldrup, who appear on stage in Santa Cruz County, California, stage productions.

The following is a trailer for the movie:

"The House of The Dead" - clips from The Professor on Vimeo.


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"The House of the Dead"

"The House of the Dead (1978 film)"

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"Ivor Francis"

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Last modified: April 2023