"The Witch's Tale" was a hosted horror radio show with "Old Nancy", the Witch of Salem as host. The show ran from 21 May 1931 until 13 June 1938 on WOR, the Mutial Radio Network; as well as being in syndication. "Old Nancy" was first played by Adelaide Fitz-Allen, who passed away in 1935 at the age of 79. Thirteen year old Miriam Wolfe was to replace her and stayed until the shows end. Martha Wentworth would on occasion, play "Old Nancy".

Miriam Wolfe
Miriam Wolfe (born Miriam Wolff; 2 January 1922 - 29 September 2000) was an American actor, director, producer and writer, who worked in theatre, television and radio from the 1920s to the 1950s. She is mainly remembered for her character roles on radio's weekly "Let's Pretend".

In 1981, Wolfe received an award from Friends of Old Time Radio USA for her contribution to Radio's Golden Age.

In July 2022, Wolfe was inducted into the The Worldwide Television And Radio Horror Host Hall Of Fame for her contributions made as horror host "Old Nancy" on WOR, the Mutual Radio Network's "The Witch's Tale".

Adelaide Fitz-Allen
Adelaide Fitz-Allen was born in 1855 in New York City, New York, USA. Generally acknowledged as one of the more talented actors of her day. She toured the United States and Europe, often playing such Shakespearean characters as Juliet, Desdemona, Ophelia and Emilia.

Broadway actor, who late in life became a star on radio. She played the cackling old witch, Nancy, on the popular radio series "The Witches Tale". In the nearly four years she portrayed Nancy on the weekly series, Miss Fitz-Allen never missed a performance until just a few days before her death on 26 February 1935.

Martha Wentworth - Verna Martha Wentworth (2 June 1889 - 8 March 1974) was an American actor. Her vocal variety led to her being called the "Actress of 100 Voices".

The character of "The Old Witch" from EC Comics' "The Haunt of Fear", "Tales From The Crypt" and "The Vault Of Horror" was based on "Old Nancy".

In 2022, "The Witch's Tale" was inducted into "The Worldwide Television and Radio Horror Host Hall of Fame".

The following is an episode from the show:

"The Witch's Tale" - Episode from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.


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