A hosted horror movie show with Nicole King as "Sally, The Zombie Cheerleader", presenting movies from around 2005-2007; assisted by Genevieve Brooks as "Zombette", and Daniel Brooks - "Mr Hairyhand". The pilot episode, had Sally presenting a cut down version of the movie "Revolt of the Zombies". Around 2009, "Sally, The Zombie Cheerleader" would return with "The Zombie Cheerleader Show".
"Sally, The Zombie Cheerleader" was also one of the hosts for "100 Years of Monster Movies"
Brooks also co-wrote "The Zombie Cheerleader's Big Book of Brains!", and "The Memoirs of Doctor Creep". As Sally, she appears in the 2nd series of the "Horror Host Graveyard", trading cards. |
The following are some clips from the shows:
The Zombie Cheerleader Show/The Zombie Cheerleader's School of Horror from The Professor on Vimeo.
Portrait of "Sally, The Zombie Cheerleader" by Bradley Beard.
"Sally, The Zombie Cheerleader" - biography (taken from Bradley's Facebook page)
Give me a B... Give me an R... Give me an Eye... Give me an A... Give me an N... Give me an S... And what've you got? Today I present Sally the Zombie Cheerleader, hostess of The Zombie Cheerleader's School of Horror which began in 2005. She later became an original character on The Monster Madhouse and can still be seen on the Vortex or The Monster Channel. Sally is a cheerleader that has a lot of brains; she keeps them stored in zip-lock baggies in the refrigerator so they stay fresh longer. Sally is not your average walking dead; she also does calisthenics and jogs to keep in shape. It's advisable to stay away from her after she finishes exercising because she has a ravenous appetite and you don't want to be on her menu. Sally is mindful and flosses after each meal, she doesn't want to lose her girlish grimace. If you have brains, you'll be here tomorrow.
Portraits of "Sally, The Zombie Cheerleader" by Dave Dunlap.
"Zombette" - biography (taken from Bradley's Facebook page)
She's the original living dead girl. Tonight I present Zombette, assistant to Sally the Zombie Cheerleader on The Zombie Cheerleader's School of Horror. She was featured on various episodes of the show between 2005-2012. Zombette was dug up years ago by Sally who needed another body to assist her at the School of Horror. Sally taught Zombette all the important rules to being a zombie cheerleader; remember to only eat players from the opposing team, don't try to cheer with your mouth full, and never use your pompoms to clean up your mess after meals. Sally grew to love Zombette as her own daughter but one day, she had to let Zombette go when she became too big to handle.
In 2020, Nicole Galeano - "Sally the Zombie Cheerleader" from "The Zombie Cheerleader's School Of Horror", was inducted into "The Official Horror Host Hall of Fame".
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Last modified: January 2024