"Bunny Galore's Movie Nightmares" is a hosted horror movie show with Martin Ramsdin as "Miss Bunny Galore" and assisted by Derek Elwood as the Vicar, "Rev Hollyway".
Screened on Information TV - Sky Channel 212, Showcase TV Sky Channel 191, Showcase Sky Channel 192, since 2012; and more recently on OSI 74 channel on the Roku.
Bunny has appeared and hosted events at Horror Con, Tulley's Farm, Wyntercon, Sci Fi London, Bram Stoker Film Festival and London Horror Film Festival.
Bunny's comedy soap opera Pantry Manor also airs on OSI 74 channel on the Roku. From Ramsdin's web page:
"For 10 years Bunny performed in the west end burlesque revue show Lady Alex's THE WAM BAM CLUB at the London Hippodrome and Cafe de Paris and started its first UK tour in 2017.
Other TV appearences include Bunny hosting the 4 part tv series ShocktoberFest on Brightons Latest TV and her own show Hotel Cinematic on the same channel.
Also the popular series "Bargain Hunt" for BBC , "Cherry Healey Like a Virgin" for BBC3, "Top Dog Model" for ITV2, the "Friday Night Project" for Channel 4 (when David Tennant guest starred in a special matinee of Cinderella), "Children In Need" for the BBC and was interviewed about his career in pantomime as part of the documentary series What Brits Love. He's also appeared in episode of "TeamXreme".
2016 was Martin's 22nd pantomime season, returning to The Capitol Horsham, one of his favourite theatres. Having appeared here in Cinderella with Faith Brown and Snow White with Sandra Dickenson.
Martin trained at The Guildford School of Acting
Derek Elwood plays the Vicar, "Rev Hollyway", as well as Zog the alien and Jan in the pan.
Elwood is an established actor appearing in:
"She's bringing her unique brand of horror hosting to Mr. Lobo's new OSI channel. Tonight I present Bunny Galore, Host of Bunny Galore's Movie Nightmares which is slated to begin on Information TV later this fall. Bunny is a character actress and burlesque singer in London, England but make no mistake, she's not new to the horror hosting game. She states that she discovered the "vibrant and magical Amercian horror host scene" after being introduced to Elvira's revived show. In 2012, she started introducing cult movies on 3 Sky channels and hosted "Night of the Living Dead" on her first Halloween special. In her 2013 Halloween special, she hosted the cult horror classic "Carnival of Souls" with Mr. Lobo. On Halloween 2014, she hosted "Deep Red" on Information TV, "Long Hair of Death" on Bizarre TV, and the first episode of "Hotel Cinematic" on Latest TV. Bunny is soon to be hosting "Pantry Manor" on the new OSI channel."
The below is a promotion for the show.
"Bunny Galore's Movie Nightmares" - promo from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo. |
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