"Ghost Stories for Christmas" was a 2000 United Kingdom horror anthology mini series where horror legend Christopher Lee as "M.R. James" hosts and tells a series of four half hour ghost tales to a group of university students' with the tales all based on stories by M.R. James. The series is also narrated by Logan Crawford.

"The Stalls of Barchester"
"The Ash Tree"
"Number 13"
"A Warning to the Curious".


Christopher Lee was born on 27 May 1922 in Belgravia, London, England, United Kingdom and passed away on 7 June 2015 in Chelsea, London, England, United Kingdom.

Lee was an English actor, author, and singer. With a career spanning nearly seven decades, Lee was well known for portraying villains, gaining recognition for appearing as Count Dracula in seven Hammer Horror films, ultimately playing the role nine times in total. His other film roles include Francisco Scaramanga in the James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun (1974), Count Dooku in the Star Wars films Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005), and Saruman in both the Lord of the Rings film trilogy (2001 and 2003) and the Hobbit film trilogy (2012-2014).

Lee was knighted for services to drama and charity in 2009, received the BAFTA Fellowship in 2011, and received the BFI Fellowship in 2013. Lee credited three films "for bringing me to the fore" as an actor, "A Tale of Two Cities" (1958), in which he played the villainous marquis, and two horror films, "The Curse of Frankenstein" (1957), and "Dracula" (1958). He considered his best performance to be that of Pakistan's founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the biopic "Jinnah" (1998), and his best film to be the British cult film "The Wicker Man" (1973). He frequently appeared opposite his friend Peter Cushing in horror films, and late in his career had roles in five Tim Burton films.


Logan Crawford is an Emmy Award winning broadcaster, anchor, host, who brings his high energy and personal style to international news reporting; covering everything from school shootings to the presidential election. Crawford has worked with the best in the business, including Adam McKay, Barry Levinson, David Fincher, and Martin Scorsese. Crawford is the host of "Fresh Outlook," an award winning television show that covers everything from politics, to Crime, to medicine. Crawford is also a host/anchor in Ebru, WWOR-TV, Fox and Voom: HD News. He had several appearances in movie and television projects such as "The Irishman" (2019), "The First Purge" (2018), Teenage Mutant Ninja", 40-Love (2021), and Many More!

The following is an opening from an episode:

"Ghost Stories For Christmas" - episode opening from The Professor on Vimeo.


Internet Movie Data Base
"Ghost Stories for Christmas"

"Christopher Lee"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Christopher Lee"

Apple TV
"Ghost Stories for Christmas"

"Ghost Stories for Christmas"

A Thin Ghost
"Ghost Stories for Christmas"

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