"Great Mysteries with Orson Buggy" was a comedy skit that aired on 12 March 1975 as part of "The Benny Hill Show", season 6, episode 2,
in which Benny Hill spoofs Orson Welles from "Orson Welles' Great Mysteries" that aired in the United Kingdom between 1973 until 1974. "Orson Buggy" presents the story - "The Catch".
For more information on "Orson Welles' Great Mysteries" use the below link:
From IMDB: Born Alfred Hawthorn Hill on 21 January 1924 in Southampton, Hampshire, England, Un ited Kingdon; it was Hill's grandfather who introduced him to Burlesque Shows and the theatre from where the young Benny Hill was to draw much of his comic inspiration. After his national service with the army during World War II, Benny came to London, adopted the stage name Benny Hill (in homage to his all time favourite comedian Jack Benny) and began appearing in variety shows. He briefly formed a double act with Reg Varney and did radio shows. But it was his talent for impressions and comic timing that were to give him his first big break on television with the show "Hi There" in 1949. "The Benny Hill Show" began in 1955. Its pioneering combination of cheeky humour, songs and impressions were to make it a hit for the next 40 years.
Benny also broadened his career with cameo appearances in films such as "The Italian Job" (1969), "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (1968) and "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours 11 Minutes" (1965). He also had a hit record in 1971 with "Ernie The Fastest Milkman In The West". In 1979 "The Benny Hill Show" (1955) was shown in the USA for the first time and Benny went on to become one of the biggest stars on US television. The show itself has been seen in 109 countries and won a BAFTA as well as Golden Rose Of Montreaux Award. Benny Hill's television career came to an end in 1989, when his show was dropped, but his popularity continued and he completed a US televison special, "Benny Hill's World Tour: New York!" (1991) shortly before his death in 1992. Hill passed away on 20 April 1992 in Teddington, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom.
The following is the opening for the skit:
"Great Mysteries With Orson Buggy" - opening from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo. |
Internet Movie Data Base "The Benny Hill Show" |
Wikipedia "Benny Hill" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Benny Hill" |
"Benny Hill TV" |
"Benny Hill Show" |
Benny Hill "Benny Hill" |
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