"Mystery and Imagination" was a United Kingdom hosted horror anthology series running from 1966 until 1970 with host David Buck as "Richard Beckett". Richard Beckett, a romantic young Victorian adventurer always had a tale to tell. Sometimes he was a participant in the drama, but mostly he was the narrator in this chilling series of stories with a gothic flavour. |
Buck starred in many television productions from 1959 until 1989. One of his earlier roles was that of Horatio Hornblower in an episode entitled "Hornblower" (1963), in the "Alcoa Premiere" television series.
He played Winston Smith in "Theatre 625: The World of George Orwell: 1984" (1965), a remake of Nigel Kneale's adaptation of the novel. In the first two series of the ITV horror and supernatural anthology series "Mystery and Imagination" he played the series narrator Richard Beckett whose character also became involved in some of the other stories adapted. His film career included roles in "Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow" (1963), "The Sandwich Man" (1966), the Hammer movie "The Mummy's Shroud" (1967), "Deadfall" (1968) and "Taste of Excitement" (1970). He also had a role as Royal Air Force Squadron Leader David "Scotty" Scott in the movie "Mosquito Squadron" (1969).
Later, he was a voice actor for the movie franchise "The Lord of the Rings" (1978), for which he provided the voice of Gimli, and "The Dark Crystal" (1982), where he voiced SkekNa the Slave Master. Buck portrayed Dr. Watson in the 1978 BBC Radio 4 series of 13 Sherlock Holmes short stories.
The following are some clips from the show:
"Mystery and Imagination" clip from The Professor on Vimeo.
David Buck was born on 17 October 1936 in London, England, United and passed away on 27 January 1989 in Esher, Surrey, England, United Kingdom.
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