"Tales of the Unexpected" (Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected) is a United Kingdom television series that aired between 24 March 1979 and 13 May 1988. Each episode told a story, often with sinister and wryly comedic undertones, with an unexpected twist ending. Every episode of series one, eight episodes of series two,

and one episode of series three were based on short stories by Roald Dahl collected in the books Tales of the Unexpected, Kiss Kiss, and Someone Like You. The series was made by Anglia Television for ITV with interior scenes recorded at their Norwich studios, whilst location filming mainly occurred across East Anglia. The theme music for the series was written by composer Ron Grainer, with series one & two hosted by Roald Dahl.

Roald Dahl was a famous short story writer who became one of the most successful and beloved children's writers of all time.

He also wrote several screenplays. Born on 13 September 2016 in Wales and sadly passed away on 23 November 1990 in England, United Kingdom, Dahl served in the Royal Air Force during World War II. While assistant air attaché in Washington DC, USA, he began writing, which after the war became his life-long vocation. He wrote two novels, two autobiographies, nineteen children's books, and many short story collections, the most notable being Kiss Kiss (1959) and Switch Bitch (1974).

Many of his stories were made into movies and/or television episodes; including "Matilda", "The Witches" and "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory". Later episodes were set in different locations outside the United Kingdom, with many being made in the United States.

Roald Dahl was also the host of "'Way Out".

Click on the below photograph of Roald Dahl to visit our "'Way Out" page.

The following are some clips from the show:

Tales of the Unexpected hosted by Roald Dahl from The Professor on Vimeo.


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"Tales of the Unexpected"

"Tales of the Unexpected"

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"Roald Dahl"

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Last modified: March 2023