"The Bogle of Bog Fell" was a horror hosted segment on a UK comedy television series "The Two Ronnies", where Ronnie Barker is THE LAIRD OF COCKAHOOPIE CASTLE "The Laird of Cockahoopie Castle", who introduces the ghost story of "The Bogle of Bog Fell", assisted by Ronnie Corbett as "McCready"; THE GHOST OF BOG FELL season 10, episode 6 aired 14 January 1984.
The following is the skit: "The Bogle of Bog Fell" from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo. |
Internet Movie Data Base "The Two Ronnies" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Ronnie Barker" |
TV Tropes "The Bogle of Bog Fell" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Ronnie Corbett" |
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