"The Nightmare Worlds of H.G. Wells" was a 2016 United Kingdom science fiction anthology mini series (four episodes) featuring a collection of lesser known short stories written by one of the greatest science fiction minds of modern literature - "H.G. Wells", played by Ray Winstone.
PLOT Every episode opens and closes with H.G. Wells, who introduces a topic and narrated a story about that topic. EPISODE 1: THE LATE MR. ELVESHAM Young and penniless medical student Edward Eden is approached by old and wealthy Egbert Elvesham, who doesn't have an heir and is looking for somebody to inherits his fortune, provided they take his name. However, Elvesham tricks Eden into drinking a potion which makes them exchange their bodies during the night. While Elvesham enjoys the joys of the young body, Eden is trapped in the old body (and in the identity of its previous owner), and looks for his revenge. EPISODE 2: THE DEVOTEE OF ART Mediocre artist Alec Harringay is trying to depict St. Catherine for a submission to the Royal Academy but he is never satisfied with his work. His painting becomes suddenly alive and lures him into a dreadful pact: being able to paint a masterpiece in exchange of his soul. This event radically transforms Harringay, who eventually kills his wife Isabel and suffer the consequences. EPISODE 3: THE MOTH Entomologists Prof. Pawkins and Dr. Hapley take pleasure in discrediting each other's work. When Pawkins dies, Hapley loses interest in his research, and shortly after he is haunted by a moth with the face of his old enemy. He becomes obsessed that the moth is actually a reincarnated Hapley taking revenge, but he is not believed and is deemed crazy. EPISODE 4: THE PURPLE PILEUS Shopkeeper James Coombes constantly argues with his wife Eveline and her friends Jennie and Clarence. When things become too tense, he wanders outside, first meditating how to kill her, then choosing to kill himself, by eating what he believes are poisonous purple mushrooms. However, they are revealed to be hallucinogenic: after an overdose, he starts consuming a calibrated amount to improve his humour in daily life. Eventually, Eveline eats all the mushrooms by mistake, overdosing herself with dreadful consequences.
RAY WINSTONE From IMDB: Raymond Andrew Winstone was born on February 19, 1957, in Hackney Hospital in London, England, to Margaret (Richardson) and Raymond J. Winstone. He moved to Enfield, at age seven, where his parents had a fruit and vegetable business. He started boxing at the age of twelve at the famous Repton Amateur Boxing Club, was three times London Schoolboy Champion and fought twice for England, UK. In ten years of boxing, he won over 80 medals and trophies.
Ray studied acting at the Corona School before being cast by director Alan Clarke as Carlin in the BBC Play production of Scum (1979). He has appeared in numerous TV series over the past 20 years including Robin Hood (1984), Palmer (1991), Birds of a Feather (1989), Between the Lines (1992), Ghostbusters of East Finchley (1995), Births, Marriages and Deaths (1999), and Vincent (2005). His film career has burgeoned since his award-winning role in Gary Oldman's Nil by Mouth (1997), and he has appeared in multiple films including Fanny and Elvis (1999), Tim Roth's The War Zone (1999), The Departed (2006), Hugo (2011), and Snow White and the Huntsman (2012). Known for his signature gritty voice, Winstone has also done a number of voiceover roles including Rango (2011), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), as well as the Beowulf (2007) film and video games.
He married Elaine Winstone in 1979, and the couple have three children: Lois Winstone (born 1982), a singer with the London-based hip-hop group "Crack Village" who also played his on-screen daughter in Last Orders (2001) and got a part in four episodes of The Bill (1984), Jaime Winstone (born 1985) also an actress with ambitions to be a director, and Ellie Rae Winstone (born 2001).
The following is a trailer for the series:
"The Nightmare Worlds of H.G. Wells" - trailer from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo. |
Internet Movie Data Base "The Nightmare Worlds of H.G. Wells" |
Wikipedia "The Nightmare Worlds of H. G. Wells" |
Internet Movie Data Base "Ray Winstone" |
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