"The Vault of Horror" is a 1973 horror anthology movie. It tells the tale of when five strangers board a descending lift in a modern office block in London. They reach the sub-basement, and find a large, elaborately furnished room that appears to be a gentlemen's club. Resigned to waiting for help, they settle down with drinks and talk. The conversation turns to dreams, with each man telling of a recurring nightmare.

The stories:
Midnight Mess: Harold Rogers kills a private detective he hired to track his sister Donna to a strange town, and then kills her to claim the family inheritance
The Neat Job: The obsessively neat Arthur Critchit marries Eleanor, a "young" trophy wife who is not quite the housekeeper he hoped for. His constant nagging about the mess she makes eventually drives her mad
This Trick'll Kill You: Sebastian is a magician on a working holiday in India, where he and his wife Inez are searching for new tricks. Nothing impresses until he sees a girl charming a rope out of a basket with a flute
Bargain In Death: Maitland is buried alive as part of an insurance scam concocted with his friend Alex. Alex double-crosses Maitland, leaving him to suffocate
Drawn and Quartered: Moore is an impoverished painter living in Haiti. When he learns that his paintings have been sold for high prices by art dealers Diltant and Gaskill after being praised by critic Fenton Breedley, all of whom told him that they were worthless, he goes to a voodoo priest and his painting hand is given voodoo power.

The following is a trailer for the show:

"The Vault of Horror" - trailer from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.


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"The Vault of Horror"

"The Vault of Horror"

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