"Jeepers' Creepers Theater" was a hosted horror movie show with:
Bob Guy as "Jeepers" from 1962 until 1963 (hosting 29 episodes)
Lietta Harvey as "Ghoulita" during 1963 (hosting 35 episodes)
Fred Stuthman as "Jeepers' Keeper" from 1963 until 1965 (hosting 68 episodes)
Jim Sullivan as "The Creeper" from 1965 until 1966 (hosting 16 episodes).
The show ran on KCOP-TV, Channel 13 Los Angeles, California, USA.

The show had many spooky fun characters such as a shrunken head named Julie, a lizard named Billy Joe, Boris the stuffed werewolf, Pumpkin the rat, a skull named Aunt Minnie and her smaller skull relative Doris. Jeepers ran around with large bushy brows and bulging eyes.

Bob Burns, world renown archivist and historian of props, costumes, and other screen used paraphernalia also worked behind the scenes.

Burns also did Ghoulita's makeup, and appeared as "The Mad Mummy" on the episode that aired on Saturday, 1 December 1962.

For more information on Bob Burns in Shock Theater use the below link:

I received emails in January 2023 from Jim Sullivan, son of Jim Sullivan (aka The Creeper) who provided lots of information on his father:

Jr Sullivan
Broker Associate, MBA, GRI, CCRM
HomeSmart Realty West
2012 Broker of the Year, REBA

This email is reproduced along with photographs and fan letters with Jim's permission

My father graduated High School in 1957. He was always interested in theater and becoming an actor. After high school, he attended the Pasadena Playhouse, an acting school. It was not too long after graduating the Pasadena Playhouse that he got a job at KCOP. I think he started in the accounting department. At some point, a time slot opened up and my dad heard about it. He went home and wrote up his proposal for "Jeepers Creepers" and pitched it the next day.... the rest is history.

I remember my father telling me how they had to be careful opening up fan mail as sometimes people sent in creepy things like finger nails, old skin. Yuck!

He also got to cooperate with Frank Zappa. You may already know that but here is a link to music Zappa made for the show. My father told me how Zappa was eccentric but also brilliant.
The song was "Bob Guy - Dear Jeepers' & Letter From Jeepers"

"Bob Guy - Dear Jeepers' & Letter From Jeepers" from The Professor's Scary Clips on Vimeo.

The woman is my mother
(Jeanette Sullivan), whom he met at KCOP. The company had a policy that employees could not date, but fortunately for me, they got away with it anyway ha ha.

Eventually I came a long, and my father felt he had to find more steady work since he had a family. Funny, he got into sales, which does not seem too steady. He became successful selling life insurance for New York Life. He did that for a number of years until he and my mother moved to San Diego and they both got into Real Estate sales. Again, they were very successful earning multiple company sales awards. The most important thing is my folks lived a good life, enjoyed themselves and were very kind. After their passing, I heard countless stories from people how my parents helped them one way or another. Dad passed in January of 2021.

Despite getting out of the horror business, my father LOVVVVED watching horror movies his whole life interest he passed on to me. He was particularly fond of Alfred Hitchcock movies, although those were more suspense than horror.

Jeanette and Jim Sullivan

Fan mail to Jim and the show:

I hope you find this information interesting."

I certainly did. Many thanks Jim.

During 1965, a young film maker, Donald F. Glut filmed a segment for the show - "Jeepers' Creepers Car Chase". The storyline - Two spies see Jeepers' Keeper, who flees in his car; with the spies chasing him. Traversing a mountain road, Jeepers' Keeper swerves, with the spies' car plunging off the cliff, exploding as in falls into the valley. Jeepers' Keeper survives the case, with the scene morphing into a commercial for cars.

Jeepers Creepers Theater - Donald F. Glut from The Professor on Vimeo.

For more information on Donald F. Glut use the below link:

Portrait of "Ghoulita" by Bradley Beard.
"Ghoulita" - biography (taken from Bradley Beard's Facebook page)"
"Don't turn around, there's somebody behind you.
If you turn around, they'll make maggot meat out of you. Oh, there's nobody behind you, it's me; I'm in front of you in your TV set." Today I present Ghoulita, hostess of Jeepers Creepers Theatre from 1963 to 1964 on KCOP-TV channel 13 in Los Angeles, California. After the original host, Jeepers, departed JCT, Lietta Harvey auditioned and won the role. The legendary Bob Burns created the Ghoulita make-up and the show's special effects. Late night horror fans remember her for her ghoulish giggle and morbid sense of humor; she was billed as "The Mae West of the graveyard". The "Full Ghoulita Audition Kinescope Tape April 1963" can be found on YouTube as the only known existing footage of Harvey in her role; be sure to watch it or else. "I told you, one of you turned around… maggot meat!"

Portrait of "Jeepers' Keeper" by Dave Dunlap.

Portrait of "Jeepers' Keeper" by Bradley Beard.
"Jeepers' Keeper" - biography (taken from Bradley Beard's Facebook page)"
He was the second successor to Jeepers Creepers. Today I present Jeepers Keeper, host of Jeepers Creepers Theatre on KCOP-TV Channel 13 in Los Angeles, California. In 1963, young Fred Stuthman earned his first acting credit when he took over as host of Jeepers Creepers Theatre after Ghoulita's departure from the show. As far as I am aware, no video footage exists of Jeepers Keeper and only few black and white stills exist of this character. I can only imagine how terrifying Fred Stuthman might have been in this role, or maybe I don't have to imagine it at all. In 1977, Fred Stuthman was cast as Mr. Parker in the movie The Sentinel which starred John Carradine. I was 15 in 1977 when I first saw this movie, Fred's portrayal of Mr. Parker was and still is one of the most frightening character sequences I have ever seen. No, I really don't have to image too hard about how creepy the Keeper was.

Portrait of "The Creeper" by Bradley Beard.
"The Creeper" - biography (taken from Bradley Beard's Facebook page)"
He was the last of the legacy. Tonight I present The Creeper, host of Jeepers Creepers Theatre on KCOP-TV Channel 13 in Los Angeles, CA. The Creeper was a tragic figure, a silent screen actor who was horribly disfigured in an accident that occurred during filming. After his accident, his only friends were Jeepers, Ghoulita, and Jeeper's Keeper; the three former hosts of Jeepers Creepers Theatre. The Creeper lived in the deserted sound stage left to him by his friends, the former departed hosts. In the fourth and final incarnation of the show, the show's creator himself took the stage. Jim Sullivan played The Creeper from June 1965 to March 1966. Sullivan was the original creative mastermind behind JCT, writing and producing all of the shows. Jeepers Creepers Theatre was a brilliant, atmospheric horror host "wrap" for the movies being shown. So little footage exists of these shows but what does, is horror hosting gold and worth checking out.

In 2017, Lietta Harvey - "Ghoulita" host of "Jeepers Creepers Theater",
was inducted into "The Official Horror Host Hall of Fame".

In 2020, Bob Guy - "Jeepers" host of "Jeepers' Creepers Theater",
was nominated for "The Official Horror Host Hall of Fame".

In 2022, Bob Guy - "Jeepers" host of "Jeepers Creepers Theater",
was inducted into "The Official Horror Host Hall of Fame".

The following are some clips from the show:

Jeepers' Creepers Theater from The Professor on Vimeo.


Internet Movie Data Base
"Jeepers Creepers Theater"

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts

Internet Movie Data Base
"Bob Guy"

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts
"Jeepers Keepers"

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts
"The Creeper"

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist
"Jeepers' Keepers"

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist
"The Creeper"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Lietta Harvey"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Fred Stuthman"

Internet Movie Data Base
"Jim Sullivan"

Facebook: Dunlap Art
"Horror Host Artwork"

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Page Content Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Photographic and Video Copyright rests with original owners.

Page Design Copyright 2016 Paul Gerard Kennedy

Last modified: December 2023