"The Adventures of 3-D Danny" was a children's live hosted science fiction / adventure live show with Ed Scott as "3-D Danny" screened on WTVT Channel 13, Tampa, Florida; with "Rufnik" the robot. "Now it's time for the adventures of '3-D Danny', champion and defender of all that's good...but a relentless foe of all that's bad and evil." was the opening narration for 3-D Danny voiced by Jerry Krumbholz.
The program mixed studio-based adventures and Warner Brothers cartoons to make a half-hour show weekdays. Sandwiched between "The Mary Ellen Show" and "Pulse News", 3-D Danny offered a daily dose of outer-space mayhem that stretched the creativity of the production crew.
During his adventures, Danny would frequently address the camera to explain his predicament and what he might do about it. Starting with a two or three minute-long exposition scene setting up the day's adventure, Danny would then introduce a cartoon which was followed by a commercial.
Ed Scott and spouse Peg Scott were also well known as the hosts of "Shock Theatre" series on Channel 13. Click on the below photograph of the Scotts to visit our "Shock Theatre" page. |
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Last modified: April 2023